As each new piece is finished it is hard to not ask myself what is next. For me it’s a natural tendency to want to start or resolve something new. One of the things I do to counter that is to look closely at what I have made for potentially previously unseen variations or experiments within the parameters of the process. Currently I’m continuing the Machine Drawings series, while starting to experiment with some new ideas. The focus of the current drawings is to amplify and expand on some of the nuances or unique qualities of the previous drawings from the series. I’m specifically working with a more narrow color palette to a few quieter landscapes that have more atmosphere. Simultaneously I’m experimenting with translating the drawings into dimensional objects. I’ve started by using the laser cutter to cut out and etch lines into the layers of the drawings. I will be using colored acrylic plastics with varying densities or etched lines on them. It is critical that these pieces take on not just the photographic qualities of the drawings, but also some of the interactions between line and shape. I’m not exactly sure where this will lead or what the final piece(s) will be. Possibly some kind of shadow box, infinity space or illuminated diorama…
Studio sketches